Monday, March 11, 2013

Simplicity With A Drama Queen

I have been in Chuuk, FSM for the last four months. So far it has been a really humbling experience. Things that I would have avoided doing when I was in the comfort of my parents' home has became part of my regular routine. I have to fend for myself. Before I came here the prospect of fending for myself scared the crap out of me. The gargantuan responsibility of being alone was enough to give me second thoughts of pushing through my plan of getting out of the looming shadows of my family that keeps on trapping my rainbow bright carefree personality. Then i asked myself, "If not now then when will you grow a set of iron balls?". Fast forward and here I am now, four months and counting going a whole lot of homesick for the love of my life, my loving and loyal partner for the past three years, one hundred and eighty days, nineteen hours and thirty five minutes. It is only fitting that i am writing an entry now on the eve of our monthsary.

I always dread of the day when i have to go and wash my clothes, although i do it every two or three weeks. I was never oriented in the art of washing clothes when i was growing up. There were always the helpers to do that for me and now am stuck into doing it on my own. I don't now why I always feel this consternation with the thought of washing my clothes when all I have to do is dump them into this over sized contraption that gyrates continuously for the next 45 minutes. I don't even have to hang and air dry them because across these cantraptions are another rows and rows of similar shaped, again, contraptions but this time are heated that tumbles and tumbles for the next hour and half and poof your clothes come out furiously hot that you don't even need to iron them if you are not that fussy like me. Okay I am fussy most of the time just too lazy to iron my own clothes plus me and the iron are not the best of friends. I would rather wear clothes that are a little bit wrinkly than wear a burnt one with a hole. I bet you will agree with me on that note.

I can't remember the last time i scrubbed the tiles of my bathroom floor. Surely I have not swept and mopped the floor of my apartment for the last two weeks or was it three already? Wait i think more than that maybe a month, o well i can't really remember. My rugs are all over the floor and pet bottles are all over the place.

My living condition may be downright petrifying for an Obsessive Compulsive individual but the freedom is substantially worth it, out of the clutches of my family's shadow. Although most days I get into moments of depression when thoughts of my partner comes to mind. Come to think of it the depression takes most of my time.

Why am I doing this? I often ask myself and then my ego will let itself known and gives a vehement answer.  For freedom you fool! And again I would recount all the drama that is my family. Oh to live a life of a drama queen is exhausting.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Yet Another

I haven't yet thought of what i would write but I'd like to post some of what ive done so far. Never have I imagined I'd create a blog about my cooking. One of the reason is I always forget to take pictures before we dig into it but I have decided to showcase my culinary expertise or the lack of it in my newest foodie blog. Me and my family enjoy really good food and are always adventurous to try new dishes. Well here are some pictures again.

Demented Creations...

Thinking of the dishes that I've done i say some of it wer good, some were bad others just plain bad and brilliantly amazing. I'll post some of my creations and have my mindless mumbles, soon as I can write something good and my mind works again brilliantly not that I am.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Twisted Inspiration

Nearly all undergraduates and college drop outs like me resort to a job in the BPO industry that most people know as Call Centers. Who wouldn’t want a high paying job that only requires you to be computer literate and be proficient in the English language both written and oral? Yet the majority of call center agents are unhappy with their job but have no choice. They have no choice because of their responsibilities to their family, no corporate job is available for them, and blue collar jobs with their meager salary are not an option and also a way to support their vices and extravagant lifestyles.

The BPO industry in our country boomed in the early 2000 and a lot of us were hopping from one company to another because of better compensation. A lot of us tenured agents get higher offer because of our experience in the industry. Start up companies needs us to impress their clients.

But sooner even the high compensation isn’t enough o motivate me. It came to a point that I have to drag myself to work almost crying on the way. Then I would ask myself, am I willing to sacrifice bliss and enjoyment just so I could earn big figures and be successful? Although success is relative no matter how we define it we can be successful yet unfulfilled. I knew then that I have to make major changes in the way my career is going. A lot of times I would also ask myself what I enjoy most doing. Would I be able to turn my hobby into a career or should it always be separated? Manning the kitchen has been my hobby since I could remember. I was always in the kitchen experimenting and editing recipes I find. Thus my choice to leave the stiff eight hour not so corporate job and decided to take up culinary arts. A profession I would enthusiastically enjoy.

I’m inspired and I wouldn’t let anything get in the way to do what I really want. I know there will be rough times but hell if I would let it spoil my fun along the way. I’m excited with my new endeavor. The idea of learning new ideas as I go along the path I have chosen gives me chills. I will definitely have a fun time all through out.